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Welcome to our Online Store. For more information, please visit www.russellfeedandsupply.com

Nature's Creation Corn Gluten Meal


Nature's Creation "PREVENT" 9-0-0 Corn Gluten Meal is a fertilizer which has pre-emergent herbicidal tendencies.


Good Natured Premium Corn Gluten Meal is a high nitrogen (9-0-0) slow release fertilizer, and if applied at the right times in the spring and fall, helps control weed seed germination (affects any seed actually). 


All Natural

Great organic nitrogen source

Greens your yard

Safe for all trees and shrubs

Good for all turf grasses

Good for the environment

Does not burn

Increases microbial activity

Slow Release

Easy to apply

Adds organic matter to the soil

100% pure corn gluten meal

Safe around children and pets

Due to the pre-emergent herbicidal qualities of corn gluten meal, do not apply to newly seeded areas or where seeding is expected in the next 120 days.




For turf under a present organic program apply 10 lbs. per 1,000 sq.ft. in early spring, late spring, mid summer, and fall for maximum performance.


For new organic program apply 20 to 25 lbs. per 1,000 sq.ft.


For gardens top dress at rate of 5 lbs. per 100 sq.ft. or 2 tablespoons per plant. Reapply every 3 or 4 weeks when fruit starts forming.
