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Panacur Paste 25gm


Panacur Equine Dewormer Indications
Panacur® (fenbendazole) Paste 10% is indicated for the control of large strongyles (Strongylus edentatus, S. equinus, S. vulgaris), encysted early third stage (hyobiotic), late third stage and fourth stage cyathostome larvae, small strongyles, pinworms (Oxyuris equi), ascarids (Parascaris equorum), and arteritis caused by fourth stage larvae of Strongylus vulgaris in horses.

Optimum Deworming Program for control of S. vulgaris: Optimum reduction of S. vulgaris infections is achieved by reducing the infectivity of the pastures. When horses are running on pasture, in temperate North America, maximum pasture infectivity occurs in October-December. If horses are removed from those pastures in January, pasture infectivity will decline to zero by July 1. Egg production of S. vulgaris is minimal from January through April, peaking in August and declining to minimal values in December.

Recommended Deworming Program:

** December 1, February 1, April 1, June 1, August 1, October 1.

The two treatments that are in bold type are the recommended periods when the 5 day treatment regimen for the control of the migrating larvae of S. vulgaris should be performed.

**For other areas in the world, retreatment periods for the migrating larvae of S. vulgaris may be different; consult with your veterinarian.


Panacur® (fenbendazole) Paste 10% is administered orally at a rate of 2.3 mg/lb (5 mg/kg) for the control of large strongyles, small strongyles, and pinworms. One syringe will deworm a 1,100 lb horse. For foals and weanlings (less than 18 months of age) where ascarids are a common problem, the recommended dose is 4.6 mg/lb (10 mg/kg); one syringe will deworm a 550 lb horse.

For control of encysted early third stage (hypobiotic), late third stage and fourth stage cyathostome larvae, and fourth stage larvae of Strongylus vulgaris, the recommended dose is 4.6 mg/lb (10 mg/kg) daily for 5 consecutive days; administer one syringe for each 550 lbs body weight per day.

Horse Health