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Dr. T's Snake a Way 4lb


Dr. T's 4 lb. Snake Repelling Granules, effectively repel garter snakes, rattlesnakes and other species from areas they are not wanted. This granular snake repellent is applied around the perimeter of the area you want to protect. Snake-A-Way is detected by the snake's Jacobson's Organ (auxiliary olfactory sense organ) and disrupts its sensory reception. This disorientation causes the snake to slither away unharmed, in search of fresh air. Wearing gloves, apply the granules to the perimeter of the area that is to be protected. Place bands 4 in. to 5 in. in wide to repel garter snakes, 8 in. to 12 in. in wide to repel rattlers. For yard application, sprinkle Snake-A-Way throughout the area within the perimeter. When odor becomes faint, simply reapply. This product contains naphthalene (7%) and sulfur (28%) as its active ingredients. Snake-A-Way has greater than 91% repellency rate for rattlesnakes and garter snakes. The efficacy of this product makes it an indispensable resource in keeping your property free of snakes.

  • Repels poisonous and non-poisonous snakes from targeted areas
  • Contains naphthalene (7%) and sulfur (28%)
  • 4 lb. presentation covers 0.5 acre
  • Residual: 2 to 3 months
  • 91% repellent rate of garter snakes and rattlesnakes
  • Will not harm snakes
  • EPA-registered granular snake repellent
  • Repels by temporarily disrupting a snake's sensory reception
  • Granules are applied around the perimeter of area you want to protect
  • Cannot ship to: AK, CA, HI
  • Lasts for up to 3 months
  • Reapply if rain occurs within 24 hours of initial treatment or when smell of granules becomes faint
Dr T's