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Beef Tallow in Fort Worth

Where to Buy Beef Tallow in Fort Worth?

There has recently been a big push among nutritionists to eat what ranchers, homesteaders, and farmers have known all along is good for you – beef tallow.

Beef Tallow, along with other natural fats (butter, coconut oil, ghee, avocado oil, olive oil) are a far cry from the unnatural cooking fats pushed on Americans by big corporations. A staple of the human diet for centuries, beef tallow was ushered out of the picture in the mid 20th century as food conglomerates realized there was more profit in pushing highly processed vegetable oils (canola and corn oil). See the unsettling ways in which canola oil and other seed oils are made here.

Thankfully, nutritionists, ranchers, homesteaders, and the health conscious have begun to push back and point to research that shows natural fats are healthier than cooking with highly processed seed oils. See examples of recent research in the media below.

At Russell Feed and Supply, we do our best to support local ranchers, homesteaders, farmers, and everyone in between who is adopting a more natural diet for themselves and their pets. We’ve tracked down two Fort Worth area retailers who sell beef tallow. Go support local businesses and ranchers and start leveraging beef tallow in your cooking repertoire! 

Burgundy’s Local

Address: 3326 W 7th St, Fort Worth, TX 76107

Website: https://www.burgundypasturebeef.com/ 

Country Meat Market

Address: 6899 E Lancaster Ave Fort Worth, TX 76112

Website: https://countrymeatmarket.com/ 

If you know of other Fort Worth area ranchers or retailers who sell beef tallow, drop us a facebook message and we’ll add them to this list.


Beef Tallow Research Sources:

Videos on https://www.seedoilrebellion.com/ 


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